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After the DPT!

You are here because you or someone you know has student debt from Physical Therapy school. Are you afraid to start learning about your debt? Or maybe you don't even know where to start? Let me help you get started today

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I'm Connor, and my wife, Hannah, and I are DPTs with student debt.

We knew our student debt would impact decisions around starting a family, buying a house, and even which jobs we would take. So I started learning as much as I could. We wanted to handle our student debt and still live the life we dreamed of when we got into DPT school. And the good news is when you understand your student debt, you can do just that!

I went on to pass the Certified Student Loan Professional Exam® so I could use what I learned to help other DPTs handle this huge stressor and burden.


That is why I am on a mission to...

Help DPTs handle their student debt

Let's get started

How can I serve you?

Whether you're a student, professor, or employer, I am here to help you solve your student debt problems.

Book a Student Loan Consult with Connor

Take what you want

What People Are Saying

Our students' success is worthy to share.

"I truly enjoyed the course, it’s a great intro to the world of student loans and finances specifically catered towards DPT students. I think every PT school should invest in this program for its students!"

Dr. Ryan O. PT, DPT

Andrews University '23

"Overall, the course was SUPER helpful. Prior to the course, my loans were definitely a huge area of discomfort and stress... I really enjoyed the examples used and the powerpoint slides. It made everything very easy to understand and I feel like I have a better grasp on all of the terms and options. To be honest, after taking the course, I am planning on changing my plan for repayment once the interest freeze is up and I feel a lot more confident in my ability to pay it off."

Dr. Emily S. PT, DPT 

Widener University '21

"This course gave me great insight into loans, investment strategies, repayment plans, and much more. I feel more confident tackling my student loans after taking this course. The content provided was relevant and easy to follow."

Dr. Noah M. PT, DPT 

Lebanon Valley College '23

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